

Sunday 10 August 2014

The Heart of Fear

What is that makes me row ahead
Upstream, against current and tide
Why do I part from a common horizon
And keep toward the nameless unknown

There’s a me which desires alike
To turn back and begone,
The alarm bell and the terror
And it rises slow and sure

But bigger and stronger
Is the part that needs to know
To rally the darkness
And befriend 'That' which terrifies


  1. Even I love to move against the current,knowing its full of dangers. Good luck my friend,nice read,by the way.

    1. Good luck to you too Nima. Thanks for reading

  2. Human nature i guess to move back against the tides..but at the end "Is the part that needs to know
    To rally the darkness
    And befriend That which terrifies" matters :)
    Nice post

  3. Awareness again and acceptance...truly said....deeper meaning...liked it

    1. That's about the insight Chaitali. Thanks again for reading and appreciating.

  4. We need to go against the current to know the strength.. not got every word of yours but if i am not wrong it is about to finding the real self. Keep writing and correct me if i have misunderstood.

    1. Heart of Fear is about challenging your fears and walking on the unknown path in order to overcome what terrifies you. We all come across once atleast in our lifetimes, such roads which are less known to us. It is only by walking on them that we can known what lies at its end. It is all about overcoming personal fear.
      Thank You for reading Sunny.

  5. Human nature has a penchant for exploring the row against the current. Not all of us dare to do that, though they pine for it, while only a few succeed .... :-)

    Nicely penned... khub bhaalo laaglo... :-)

    1. That is right Maniparna. What are we without that quintessential human curiosity which marks our being human, without it the caves would still be our home. Daring is the first step to live beyond the seen, rest will occur.

      Thanks for your মিষ্টি feedback.
