

Sunday 25 March 2012

The View from My Window

(For no apparent reason I am reminded of a dear friend's by gone misery. It was an accident which caused him to remain bed ridden for about a a week. I paid him a visit every day till he was up on his feet again. He would convey to me his deepest urges during my visits. I write this poem trying to narrate how he must have felt and what thoughts must have crowded his head during those seven days of confinement to his bed. )

The View From My Window

I see a sun rise beyond the far leaves
To watch it come down I have to turn around
The ceiling fadin' and dripping like a ragged hound
To stand a barrier its forever bound

Then I see a sparrow alight near me
Hopping on the window free
Yet its far away
Reminds me of how helpless I lay

Then comes the breeze along
Its a traveller with a song
Never rests for a moment
But lives forever in its earthen scent

Followed by the deluge of the neighbourhood brats,
As they race crashing in to the nearby park
The west is now beginning to glow red
Trying to catch the view I raise my head

But neither I succeed nor fail,
I see only heads on their playful trail,
Bobbing and vanishing in the near,
Its impossible to even look that far

Then comes the rain
The view is enough for my pain
But I long to catch the drops
And watch 'em find their spots

I remember not always to mark
When the red becomes dark,
All I hear now is the owl's call,
And the loud mouthed Johnny tryin' to describe "A Fall"

The moon is different,
Its not always there
But when it comes in its moods
Its a beauty beneath every layer

My supper is laid
And I am summoned
By urges so primal
Gratification is minimal

I am sucked into a land where
I am not confined to a lair
I run and run
Every desire I burn

Everything I had missed
I held and kissed
I don't want to be in 'Tomorrow'
And feel nothing else than sorrow

I know not how my mind held
But I feel the sun's rays warm my head
I wake up into a life so slow
Where I have only the view from my window



  1. good one. I was once confined to bed only for a week or so when i was with malaria..!!! honestly, i loved it.. :) school se 2 weeks ki chutti... though the situation that mom n dad went through, cant be put in words coz doctor was fearing of me getting a polio stroke!!!

  2. Congratulations, you have captured the emotions of being confined so well.

  3. As I read this I think of the plight of so many in this world who are handicapped for life and need to depend on others for all their needs...god bless all of them...Wonderful poetry!

  4. The view might inspire the person such a lot more in life, it has already inspired so beautiful poetry already!

  5. beautiful poem :)

  6. beautiful poem, i was able to feel the emotions

  7. Everything I had missed
    I held and kissed
    I don't want to be in 'Tomorrow'
    And feel nothing else than sorrow. .... beautiful words

  8. I second Alka...beautifull written verse that was

  9. lovely thoughts....and so well penned :)

  10. Thank You Jayant, Subhorup, jaishree, Leo, sayingitall, poojak TTT, Abhishek Dudeja, alka narula, Bradz Blog, Bhavana panchalibolchi & Jasmeet Kukreja for your encouragement & support
